I tried to choose the ones that I think are (very) chilean and of course fabulous in one way or another :)
10. This one - I'm not sure it's chilean, but I love the background choice and the way Chaplin just sits and stares there on the street of barrio Bellavista.
9. No doubt this one's chilean :) It says something like - hey cop listen, your kid is also fighting (when I was in Santiago almost every student demonstration ended with some violent action between police and students.), and the red one - education is our best weapon.
8. Love, love, love the red color on the phone number. Chile is a catholic country, so there's not much to explain here :)
7. This cat caught me by surprise. Twice.
6. Which one's more tired - the woman or the wall? It matches perfectly.
5. This one doesn't really "talk" to me, but it was sprayed all over the place - one the walls, on the pavement, different colors, just black and white, etc.
4. The stencil part isn't worth much, but the yellow paint does wonders.
3. This one is just beautiful :)
2. Next to our house in Santiago there was a school which walls were covered with graffiti and all kind of street art. One day - it was all gone, they had painted the building yellow, and erased everything but the pinocchio. OK, they erased a little bit of his nose :)
1. And the winner is ...
BIP card is a plastic card of transantiago used in metro and "micros", I think every person in Santiago owns one. So this one says - "and always remember that you have to add money to your BIP card!"
This stencil has Santiago written all over it :)
Nice post,, i'm very enjoyed to visit this site :D